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Commanding Your Morning devotion 28/03/2024

Commanding Your Morning devotion 28/03/2024

Acts 3:19 (NIV) – “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

This verse captures the essence of revival, emphasizing the importance of repentance and turning to God.

True revival involves a deep change of heart and a turning away from sin towards God.

It brings about a refreshing and renewing work of the Holy Spirit in individuals and communities, cleansing them
from sin and restoring their fellowship with God.

Heavenly Father,
We repent of our sins and turn to You with humble hearts, seeking Your forgiveness and cleansing. We
long for the refreshing and renewing work of Your Spirit in our lives and in our midst.

Pour out Your grace
and mercy upon us, O Lord, and revive us with Your presence. May our lives be a testimony to Your

transforming power, drawing others to You. Revive us, Lord, for Your glory and kingdom purposes. In
Jesus’ name, Amen.

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