Written by 11:03 Bible Made Easy, Gifts of the Spirit Views: 35

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Hey there! Let’s dive into discovering your spiritual gifts—what they are and how to find out what yours might be.

What Are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are like special abilities or talents that God gives us when we become Christians. They’re not skills we learn, but gifts given to us by God’s Holy Spirit to help others and make our church stronger.

How to Identify Your Spiritual Gifts

  1. Pray About It: Ask God to show you what gifts He’s given you. Sometimes, God speaks to us through prayer and helps us understand our strengths. Example: Daniel prayed and asked God to help him understand how he could serve others. Over time, he realized he had a gift for making people feel welcome and loved. Scriptural Reference: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” – James 1:5
  2. Try Different Things: Sometimes, you won’t know what you’re good at until you try! Volunteer in different areas of your church or community to see what you enjoy and where people say you’re helpful. Example: Sarah tried helping with kids’ activities at church and discovered she had a gift for teaching and making Bible stories fun for kids. Scriptural Reference: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” – 1 Peter 4:10
  3. Listen to Others: Sometimes, our friends and family see gifts in us that we don’t notice ourselves. Listen when people say you’re good at something—they might see a spiritual gift in you! Example: David’s friends told him he was really good at encouraging them when they felt down. He hadn’t realized it was a gift until they mentioned it. Scriptural Reference: “Encourage one another and build each other up.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Tools and Assessments for Discovering Spiritual Gifts

  • Spiritual Gifts Tests: There are online tests and quizzes you can take that ask you questions about yourself and suggest what your spiritual gifts might be based on your answers.
  • Gifts Discernment Workshop: Some churches offer workshops where you can learn about spiritual gifts and try different activities to see what you enjoy and excel at.
  • Talking to Leaders: Talk to your pastor or youth leader—they can help you understand spiritual gifts and might have ideas on where you could use yours in the church.


Discovering your spiritual gifts is a journey of exploring what makes you special in God’s eyes. By praying, trying new things, and listening to others, you can uncover how God has equipped you to help others and make a difference in your church and community. Remember, God has given each of us unique gifts to share His love with the world!

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