Written by 10:37 Bible Made Easy, Bible Story • Views: 31



John 8: 3-11

This chapter tells a story of a woman who was caught committing adultery and her accusers brought her before Jesus in other to trap him and also condemn her, for the law at that time demands the death of any one caught committing such sin, they all came running with stones to stone her to death. But the mistake they made was that they brought her to the feet of Jesus.

And when they brought her to him, he looked at them without saying anything Knowing their intentions, they expected him to condemn her, bought his love could not see her sins he only saw a woman who could go and sin  no more , scripture says Jesus wrote down on the floor lifted up his head and he said “ He who has no sin should throw the first stone. Judged by their own conscience they dropped the stone from the eldest to the youngest. Leaving the woman with Jesus. And he said to her woman where are thy accusers? she said they are all gone, and he said to her go and sin no more.

Romans 8:1(a) says there is therefore no condemnation to THOSE who are IN Christ Jesus,

some  of the benefits of our salvation is that we are redeemed from the curse of the law, our sins are blotted out, We are made the righteousness of God, no longer condemned to sin or its nature. Since Christ is the one who paid the price for our salvation (we are bought with a price) no one has the right to accuse us anymore.

Romans 8 Verse 33 says who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? it is God that Justifies

That is to say the only person’s words we should be concerned about is the judgment of God and not of Satan,

 if a child comes home with his result from school, the only persons judgment that matter is his father’s because his father is the one who pays for his school fees, so irrespective of what the result is if his father is satisfied no other person’s judgment or words matter anymore. Christianity is a family business between God and his sons, the devil has no say in it

The next time he comes to accuse you of sin, rebuke him in the name of Jesus because his trespassing a family business. With the consciousness that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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